Jun 16, 2009

cake fails

who doesn't like cake? what's the only thing better than a cake? a cake fail! cake wrecks is a blog dedicated to shared the failed cake love.

when someone misspells, mishears or just generally fucks up it's funny, but to take that mistake and blindly run with it straight to the bakers it escalates to a whole new level of comedy.

you can imagine the phone conversation:
"yeah we want it to say 'best wishes suyanne' and underneath that 'we will miss you', got that?".

oh yeah, bonus fail points for also misspelling underneath ... unless the baker was irish.

or "yeah it's really simple. we just want it to say 'welcome baby' ... in pink".

but some of them are just plain funny.
i mean who wouldn't want a chewbacca cake right?

hmm i need a unique mothers day cake, ooh how about this...

happy mothers day!

and just to finish, how about this guy...

i quite like him. can you image if tom hanks in castaway found this washed up instead of the football.

anyway more cake fails to be found at http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com