Jun 13, 2009

quick links info

thought i'd do a quick post just explaining what the quick links are on the right of me blog. they're basically a few site's i like and go back to every now and then so if your reading this maybe you might too. so with the help of my brain and wikipedia (both of which never lie...) here goes:

first is
zero punctuation - this is a video game review series created by video game journalist ben “yahtzee” croshaw. he does awesome animated game reviews every week so if your into gaming give this site a go - it's a great afternoon killer and very funny.

cinemassacre is the creation of james rolfe (aka angry video game nerd). it was the first place to feature his old game reviews and now he uses this site to talk about and review movies.

ashens is another reviewer of shit games but his mostly centre around cheap made in china tat and generally quite funny.

adam & joe radio show is a radio show featuring adam & joe ... doesn't need much explaination really does it? anyway they are great, as is their show so either join black squadron or download the podcast but give them a listen sometime.

screenwipe is charlie brooker's tv fucking great tv series. for some reason it airs on bbc four which nobody watches. it's a tv show basically taking the piss out of tv shows. judging by how much shit is on tv i'm all for this and agree with everything this guy has to say.

charlie brooker also writes for the guardian and this is a link to his column titled screen burn. basically screenwipe in text form.

pogue's blog is written by technology writer david pogue. he covers all kinds of technology related cool stuff, so i like to check here now and then.

llewtube is robert llewellyn (kryton off of red dwarf)'s web site. he does this series called car pool where he drivers a comedian somewhere and records the chittle chattle that transpires. it's pretty good. 'nuff said.

fail blog you've probably already heard of from youtube. it's basicially an achieve of people failing with hilarious consequences... meh anyway give some videos a look sometime it's normally quite funny.