May 19, 2009

about me

first be sure to check out my first post.

ok, so why follow me or come back here?

i guess to answer that you need to learn more about me. ok here we go...

i'm 23, self employed and live in cornwall.

i'm a pretty big movie fan and will watch pretty much anything and like to keep up with movie news, trailers, reviews or any cool stuff.

i like all kinds of music really but i love seeing any music played live and i'm a massive music festival fan. i love drumming, playing guitar and am currently trying to band started with a few mates.

i guess i'm a pretty hardcore gamer. i've got all of the current generation consoles and i'll try pretty much anything fun, new or innovative.

i guess i am kind of a geek (hopefully the cool kind). i use both mac and pc and hope to post any cool tools/web sites/apps for both. my iphone is the best phone i've owned (as you'd expect for the newest i guess) so i'll probably recommend some cool apps for that too at some point.

i have a pretty wide sense of humor, and there's alot of funny shit online - so it's pretty likely i'll post anything here that makes me laugh.

i love watching my stories. favorites include lost, 24, dexter, fringe, flight of the conchords, mighty boosh, family guy, south park, screenwipe, spaced, peep show, there's too many to list them all.


if that's what your into then cool, but if not don't let that put you off. i'm hoping to cover pretty much anything that interests me - so if anything i've listed above interests you hopefully you'll come back once in a while.

hopefully this post gives you a vague idea of where i'm heading with this blog and with any luck there's at least something here your into.

now i'll try and end this post on a high after boring you - so congratulations if you read this far. if you like any of the above tings, then your gunna love deez tings: